giovedì, maggio 28, 2015

New Hair

Qui alcune foto del mio nuovo colore di capelli, per i quali ho scelto un cioccolato, in modo tale da coprire il colore, decisamente più chiaro, fatto con la lozione Schultz (mai presa decisione peggiore). Per sentirmi meglio con me stessa ho voluto ritornare al mio colore (quasi) naturale, ricorrendo per la prima volta ad una tinta e non potrei essere più contenta per il risultato ottenuto. Nei prossimi post il colore si vedrà meglio grazie alle foto scattate alla luce del sole. Enjoy :*

Here you can see my new hair color, I went for a Chocolate to cover the lighter color I had before. To feel better with myself I wanted to get back to my (almost) natural hair color, so I used a dye for the first time and I coldn't be happier. In the next posts you'll see better the color thanks to the sun light. Enjoy :*

                                                                     T-shirt : Bershka (old collection)
                                                           Jeans : Levi's

5 commenti:

  1. It seems that the chocolate color you put on your hair really made you feel brand new. You look stunning with your new hair color. Not to mention that your outfit is totally on point as well. Hahaha! Thanks for sharing that, Marica! Stay gorgeous!

    Collene Puterbaugh @ Baja Hair Center

    1. Thank you so much, Collene! Reading your comment made me smile, :) :) Hope you'll going on reading my post and appreciate them, best wishes!

  2. Hi Marica! You seem to love your new hair color, and it's totally gorgeous. It's simple and it fits your stylish personality. I hope to see more hairstyle ideas and inspirations from you. Thank you for sharing, and have a great day!

    Renee May @ Virgin Hair Fixx

    1. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

    2. Thank you so much, Renee, you're so kind! Yeeees, I absolutely love it, now I changed my color again and I think it fits me better. Soon a new post, have a good day :* :*
